About Us
Berkshire Mountain Homes Inc is a Property Management Company based in North Adams, Massachusetts and the communities we manage span throughout Berkshire County, MA and Bennington County, VT.
Our Beginnings
Berkshire Mountain Homes Inc. was founded by Michael A Deep in 2001. Mike was purpose-driven by faith, family, community, and friends. Michael worked tirelessly acquiring various properties, fulfilling a great community need for affordable housing. He was involved in several business operations throughout his career, from real estate and insurance, to owning a golf course! Mike wore a lot of hats, too many at times, often sacrificing some of his own dreams to provide employment, housing, and insurance protection to others. However, most people that knew him referred to him just as a good friend, and someone who was there for you when you needed it. To our dismay, Mike passed away in August, 2022. He will be greatly missed.
(Image caption: Michael A. Deep, 1949-2022)
Our Staff
- Ellen Millard – President (ellen@berkshiremountainhomes.com)
- Bryan Millard – Property Management
- Nathan Hernandez – Account Management
- Jeremy Perry – Laborer
- Steve Meyers – Laborer
Our staff take their responsibilities seriously and aim to provide you with the best experience for the place you call home. Tenants have access to our online services for rental payments, applications, and leases. Maintenance requests will be available online soon.
Berkshire Mountain Homes, Inc strives to simplify your search for housing, and to provide you with the expertise you deserve when it comes to managing your living situation and place you call home.